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Air Transat Reviews

Air Transat Reviews


  3.1/5.0 with 207 reviews...

How would you rate Air Transat?


About Air Transat

image credit: Alec Wilson
Offering a wide range of seasonal flights as well as permanent service to Europe, Canada's Air Transat is a full-service airline that has won numerous accolades as one of North America's best leisure airlines. Air Transat operates flights to 85 destinations, with increased numbers of flights to Europe in the Summer and the Caribbean, and Latin America during the winter. Air Transat has a fleet of 25 planes, with additional plane chartering partnerships with CanJet and Transavia France, an Air France-KLM subsidiary.

Flyer Reviews of the Air Transat

Leg room in this seat ix almost non existent.
[Seat 18J on a Boeing 737-800]

Recommend this seat over others, has extra legroom; no underseat stowage; traytable in armrest means narrower seat; armrests do not move.
[Seat 14B on a Airbus A330-300]

If you can, find another seat... does not recline (exit row behind).
[Seat 13K on a Airbus A310]

Overall a not a good choice, does not recline (exit row behind).
[Seat 13D on a Airbus A310]

Could be an issue for some travelers, exposed seat may get bumped by service cart.
[Seat 45H on a Airbus A330-300]

Could be an issue for some travelers, exposed seat may get bumped by service cart.
[Seat 45C on a Airbus A330-300]

Better than some but not the best, no seat reclining in front of you; may have extra legroom; no underseat stowage; traytable in armrest means narrower seat; armrests do not move.
[Seat 4H on a Airbus A330-300]

Watch out for this seat maybe, may have limited recline.
[Seat 33A on a Airbus A330-300]

Definitely better seats to sit in, may have limited recline; near the galley; next to the lavatory.
[Seat 53G on a Airbus A330-300]

I lucked out with this seat... has extra legroom; no underseat stowage; traytable in armrest means narrower seat; armrests do not move.
[Seat 36K on a Airbus A330-200]

Air Transat Fleet

Airbus A310

(43 reviews)
 more_vert airline_seat_recline_normaltablet_mac more_vert airline_seat_recline_normalondemand_videopowerusb
Capacity: 250 pax — 238Y · 12J

Airbus A320

(0 reviews)
Capacity: 180 pax — 180Y

Airbus A321

(0 reviews)
Capacity: 189 pax — 189Y

Airbus A330-200

(70 reviews)
wifi more_vert airline_seat_recline_extraondemand_videousb more_vert airline_seat_recline_extraondemand_videopowerusb
Capacity: 346 pax — 334Y · 12J

Airbus A330-300

(63 reviews)
wifi more_vert airline_seat_recline_extraondemand_videousb more_vert airline_seat_recline_normalondemand_videopowerusb
Capacity: 346 pax — 334Y · 12J

Boeing 737-300

(0 reviews)
Capacity: 136 pax — 136Y

Boeing 737-700

(0 reviews)
Capacity: 148 pax — 148Y

Boeing 737-800

(31 reviews)
 more_vert airline_seat_recline_normal
Capacity: 189 pax — 189Y

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