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Cathay Dragon (Dragonair) logo

Cathay Dragon (Dragonair) Reviews

Cathay Dragon (Dragonair) Reviews


  3.1/5.0 with 26 reviews...

How would you rate Cathay Dragon (Dragonair)?


About Cathay Dragon (Dragonair)

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Formerly knows as Dragonair, Cathay Dragon is a regional subsidiary of Cathay Pacific based in Hong Kong, offering passenger service to Asia and Europe. With a fleet of 41 planes, Cathay Dragon offers 44 routes, with a majority of their destinations located in China and Japan. Cathay Dragon is a Oneworld Alliance member, as well as a code-sharing partner to other regional Asian carriers such as Air China, Malaysia Airlines, S7 Airlines, Royal Brunei, and Shenzhen Airlines.

Flyer Reviews of the Cathay Dragon (Dragonair)

Don't sit here if you don't have to, may have limited recline; near the lavatory.
[Seat 47B on a Airbus A321]

Better than some but not the best, may have extra legroom; no seat reclining in front of you.
[Seat 10A on a Airbus A321]

This is a good seat to choose, has extra legroom; no underseat stowage; traytable in armrest means narrower seat; armrests do not move.
[Seat 35A on a Airbus A321]

Avoid this seat if you can... may have limited recline; near the lavatory.
[Seat 47A on a Airbus A321]

Decent seat but has some issues, no seat reclining in front of you; may have extra legroom; no underseat stowage; near the galley; traytable in armrest means narrower seat; armrests do not move.
[Seat 22H on a Airbus A321]

If you can, find another seat... may have limited recline.
[Seat 33B on a Airbus A321]

Recommend this seat over others, has extra legroom; no underseat stowage; traytable in armrest means narrower seat; armrests do not move.
[Seat 35C on a Airbus A321]

Better than some but not the best, may have extra legroom; no seat reclining in front of you.
[Seat 10H on a Airbus A321]

Solid choice, may have extra legroom; no seat reclining in front of you.
[Seat 10C on a Airbus A321]

Recommend this seat over others, has extra legroom; no underseat stowage; traytable in armrest means narrower seat; armrests do not move.
[Seat 35J on a Airbus A321]

Cathay Dragon (Dragonair) Fleet

Airbus A320 (v1)

(0 reviews)
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Capacity: 158 pax — 150Y · 8J

Airbus A320 (v2)

(0 reviews)
 more_vert airline_seat_recline_normal
Capacity: 168 pax — 168Y

Airbus A321

(26 reviews)
 more_vert airline_seat_recline_normalondemand_videopowerusb more_vert airline_seat_recline_extraondemand_videopowerusb
Capacity: 172 pax — 148Y · 24J

Airbus A330-300 (v1)

(0 reviews)
 more_vert airline_seat_recline_normalondemand_videopower more_vert airline_seat_recline_extraondemand_videopower
Capacity: 307 pax — 265Y · 42J

Airbus A330-300 (v2)

(0 reviews)
 more_vert airline_seat_recline_normalondemand_videopower more_vert airline_seat_recline_extraondemand_videopower more_vert airline_seat_flatondemand_videopower
Capacity: 280 pax — 230Y · 42J · 8F

Boeing 777-300ER

(0 reviews)
 more_vert  more_vert  more_vert 
Capacity: 275 pax — 216Y · 53J · 6F

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