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Mahan Air Reviews

Mahan Air Reviews


  3.6/5.0 with 51 reviews...

How would you rate Mahan Air?


About Mahan Air

image credit: Simisa
Operating from the capital city of Tehran, Mahan Airlines is a private Iranian carrier that offers domestic and international full-service flights. Many of Mahan's 61 routes are located within Iran, with additional international service throughout Europe and regional service to Central Asian countries. Mahan's 57 planes are the subject of temporary sanctions, with the company only able to purchase aircraft produced a minimum of 7 years ago.

Flyer Reviews of the Mahan Air

Decent seat but has some issues, may have limited recline.
[Seat 12F on a Airbus A310]

Can't go wrong with this seat, has extra legroom; no underseat stowage; traytable in armrest means narrower seat; armrests do not move.
[Seat 14E on a Airbus A310]

Decent seat but has some issues, may have limited recline.
[Seat 12K on a Airbus A310]

Better than most - has extra legroom; no under-seat stowage during takeoff and landing; traytable in armrest means narrower seat.
[Seat 2C on a BAE Systems 146-300]

I lucked out with this seat... has extra legroom; no underseat stowage; traytable in armrest means narrower seat; armrests do not move.
[Seat 14D on a Airbus A310]

Can't go wrong with this seat, has extra legroom; no under-seat stowage during takeoff and landing; traytable in armrest means narrower seat.
[Seat 2B on a BAE Systems 146-300]

Decent seat but has some issues, may have limited recline.
[Seat 32J on a Airbus A310]

Can't go wrong with this seat, has extra legroom; no underseat stowage; traytable in armrest means narrower seat; armrests do not move.
[Seat 14K on a Airbus A310]

Might want to skip this one if you can, no seat reclining in front of you; may have extra legroom; near the lavatory; no underseat stowage.
[Seat 1E on a Airbus A310]

Pretty good seat all things considered, no seat reclining in front of you; may have extra legroom; no underseat stowage; traytable in armrest means narrower seat; armrests do not move.
[Seat 7F on a Airbus A310]

Mahan Air Fleet

Airbus A300-600

(0 reviews)
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Capacity: 280 pax — 256Y · 24J

Airbus A310

(42 reviews)
 more_vert airline_seat_recline_normalairplay more_vert airline_seat_recline_extraairplay
Capacity: 202 pax — 190Y · 12J

Airbus A340-600

(0 reviews)
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Capacity: 308 pax — 263Y · 45J

BAE Systems 146-300

(9 reviews)
 more_vert airline_seat_recline_normal
Capacity: 95 pax — 95Y

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